I am a passionate, spirit-led Brazilian woman, dedicated to help people get rid of toxins and clutter so that they can awaken and connect to their true selves.  I know what it’s like to suffer physically, mentally and emotionally by not prioritizing self-care and that's why I have continued on with ME TIME.

Hello Gorgeous!


Vanessa Krambeck




We believe in...

Putting yourself first
Healing naturally
Connection to self
Beauty inside & out

We are committed...

We are here...

To connect people to their best selves by offering holistic healing services that remove clutter and toxins

To create a world where everyone is awake to their true spiritual essence

Hi Beautiful!

I’m vanessa krambeck

I am a Massage Therapist specialized in Lymphatic Drainage and Brazilian Body Sculpting Massage Practitioner, Nutrition and Fitness Enthusiast that loves to have fun (lots of it!).

I’ve spent the last 20 years learning everything there is to know about the best natural ways to improve people’s health, body and mind. I’m originally from Brazil, a mother of 2 and passionate about empowering women to change their lifestyle and say ‘yes’ to loving themselves first.

I suffered from low self-esteem, eating disorders, would always do everything for everyone else and struggled to say ‘no.’ I studied Nutrition and Psychology so I could understand myself better.

In my mid-twenties, everyone around me told me I should work with people and be in sales because of my outgoing personality. But inside something was missing and there was no passion. I convinced myself I wasn’t good enough because I couldn’t do what everyone else told me to do. In my thirties, I suffered from chronic fatigue, hay fever, gut issues and eczema.

My health journey started when I was a teenager.

All I wanted was to feel better and help people.

From then on, I started saying “no” to people and things that weren't in alignment with my wants or needs.

Now, I put myself first, I feel better than I ever have, and I am incredibly fulfilled. 

Something inside me changed.

Being in service, and seeing people feel better, I knew I finally found my purpose. I realized I can help people feel good and for the first time, I felt good too.

I felt empowered. I learned to create boundaries to protect my energy field which opened me up to my intuition, power and spirituality. Sometimes I found it hard to believe I found my purpose because I struggled so long trying to find it. But I know deep down this is what I’m meant to do because it feels so right to give health and love to others in a way that serves me as well.

I’m so grateful for being able to help people embrace their inner and outer beauty while finding health and happiness holistically.

If you want to say‘yes'
 To taking better care of yourself,
 Receive loving support
and make little changes
for a big difference,
I would love to help you feel good
and have fun on your journey!

~ Vanessa Krambeck


LET’S talk about you

If you resonate my story and are wanting to feel healthy, sexy and in love with yourself again, I would love to support you on your journey!

Let's be friends!

© ME TIME WELLNESS, 2021.   All Rights Reserved.  |  Made w/ love by